The Four Hacks That Will Help You Boost Your Productivity Today

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Your productivity primarily depends on one factor alone - you. Here are some changes you can make in your life to become more focused, productive, and free of guilt.

The modern world offers many wonders that help us work more efficiently and find quick solutions to various problems. 

Why, then, is it so challenging to stay productive in this environment?

The main challenge today comes from the plentiful distractions. It's easy to get distracted by social media and non-stop notifications every single day.

Although you want to have high productivity and overall performance, there are always things that take your attention away. The worst thing is, people don't measure themselves on this tangibly but beat themselves up over it emotionally

You'll get distracted, move away from your work, and as distractions pile up, your productivity will go down. Then, you'll start feeling guilty and frustrated because you aren't moving ahead fast enough. 

Unsurprisingly, there's no productivity app that can help you with this. Sure, those things can help you a bit, but only when you're already on the right track. 

The truth is, boosting your productivity requires you to go deeper into the matter. And there are some simple hacks that will give you better results.

In this article, we'll take a look at the four hacks to boost your productivity and do away with distractions.

The Hacks

Hack #1. Switch Your Mindset

Have you ever spent the entire day at work, only to find that you haven't achieved as much as you wanted?

This is a common source of frustration for many. But it's actually something you can resolve by asking one question:

What am I tracking?

Whenever you feel like you haven't gotten as much done as you wanted to get done for the day, ask yourself what you want. Plenty of times, you'll discover that there was no clear outcome but rather just a need to get stuff done. 

In other words, you were being busy but not being productive. 

You need to stop basing success based on the number of things you get done. Success isn't about populating a to-do list and ticking off the boxes. Nor is it based on getting everything done. 

That’s why you need to change your perspective.

The right way to look at things is to:

  • Determine the outcome you’re after

  • Identify the needle-moving activities towards achieving that outcome

  • Then taking action on those items, first. 

Gain clarity in what you want to achieve and make it the sole focus of your work. This way, you'll replace busy work with the sort of high-productivity time that will get you the desired results.

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Hack #2. Don't Allow Guilt to Overwhelm You

Those who lack clarity in their work often start feeling tremendous guilt about not progressing and not being productive enough. 

They become mad at themselves for not doing more despite not being sure what they should be doing. That's when guilt becomes overwhelming and creates a cycle of feeling bad and being unproductive. 

This cycle can go on forever - until you finally identify what you should produce to get out of it. 

Let me tell you a story to explain my point further… 

I remember when I chatted with my friend a few years ago. He's a very successful entrepreneur and I wanted to get a piece of his mind on something that was bothering me.

You see, I was feeling like I wasn't making things happen fast enough.

That's what I told my friend. He looked at me and laughed, which I found interesting - I didn't think there was anything funny about the matter.

He asked me what I meant.

So I said, “I don't feel like I'm getting as much done in life as I wanted. Generally speaking, man, I'm just not feeling it.”

He looked at me and said, “Generally speaking, Brad? What the hell, man?”

What my friend said next pulled me out of the mood pretty quickly. And it was a lesson I remember to this day… 

Anytime you're associating something with generally speaking and your self-esteem, you're going down a dark road. 

The truth is, generally speaking is a bottomless pit and a sure way to feel horrible about yourself. When you start thinking things are generally bad, there's nothing to grab onto and you don't even know where to start recovering. 

It's crucial to be careful of such generalisations, especially when it comes to your effectiveness, level of productivity, efficiency, and excellence. 

Don't let a bad emotion contaminate things that are working - stay focused on what you could be doing right.

Hack #3. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Simultaneously doing many different things can be a great distraction and pull you away from being productive. This especially goes for situations where you're doing more just for the sake of doing more.

You need to know what the main thing is and keep it your top priority.

The best way to overcome guilt and boost your productivity at the same time is to focus your attention on scheduling and planning activities that lead to achieving your goal.

If you don't have anything scheduled or blocked in your calendar as related to your goal, you're acting on a dream or a wish. In other words, the guilt you're feeling comes from not treating an important thing like it's important.

Do you want to overcome the guilt? Be clear about what you should be doing and think it through. Plan your time to move forward and get closer to your goal. 

Keep the main thing the main thing and think practical.

Hack #4. Capture Your Most Productive Moment

Think back to a time in your life when you were the most productive - that time when you were in flow and had consistent momentum. The fact is, everyone has such a period in their life when they're making things happen. Maybe it's even right now for you. 

Whatever the case may be, identify that time when you felt at your most productive. Now, ask yourself a question:

How did I get so much done then?

What conditions existed? Were you clear on your purpose and desired outcomes? Did you have an abundance of time on your hands, or was your back against the wall?

Analyse yourself and the surrounding circumstances and think about that time thoroughly. Once you determine when and why you were extraordinary, replicate that. 

Pinpoint the exact conditions that made you productive, understand them, and recreate those circumstances. By capturing those moments, you'll be able to repeat the results.

Unleash Your Productivity

The hacks you've read here are all about setting up the right mindset that will drive you forward. The approach you take in regard to yourself and your work is key to becoming more productive.

Determine your goals, outcomes and purpose and focus all your attention on achieving them. Think about what you're doing and how you're doing it. You'll find there's more that you can do to boost your productivity than you thought.

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your wealth, increase your income and improve your lifestyle:

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