Where’s Your Focus - The Past, the Future, or the Now?

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If you're a beginner or advanced property investor, you might just be a few strategies, tactics and tools away from making major progress on your financial situation and lifestyle.

In this value packed, 15 min discovery session, we will...

1. Get clear on the results you're after, to see what target we are aiming for.

2. Review your current situation to identify whats possible for you right now

3. Uncover the #1 bottleneck, restricting your growth and holding you back from scaling.

4. Develop a 3-step action plan, that will get you on the right path and direction for amazing you results in your portfolio

Transcription from video above….

What are you focusing on? Are you focusing on how many things you haven't achieved yet? Or where you’re supposed to be and you're not? That's not going to help you. 

Yes, we need to be aware and we need to understand where we are. But we are where we are because it's where we are. 

It's no good saying "Where I could have been..." or "I should have been..." It's, "I'm here. Where do I want to go?" 

Where the focus goes, energy flows, and clarity grows. 

I want your energy to be into the future. I don't want you to be living in the past. Look back to learn, not to live. 

Where your focus goes, your energy flows. And I don't want you to be putting your energy into your past because you're just going to recreate the future from that space. You got to be creating the future from the present. The now. All we have is the now. 

Even the future is not guaranteed.

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you to grow your wealth, increase your income and improve your lifestyle:

1. Join the The Kaizen Way Group and connect with investors and entrepreneurs who are in the game too
It’s our new Facebook community where smart investors and entrepreneurs learn to get more income, progress, and confidence. — Click Here

2. Join our Property Mastery Academy and get guidance and strategies to build a solid, safe and profitable property portfolio.
Book in for a free 15 min discovery call to see if and how we can help: Click Here

3. Join our incredible NEW Mastermind and implementation program.
I'm putting together a new mastermind program to fast track results. If you'd like to work closer with me and my team on your income generating and wealth creating portfolio plan... please check this out to get your expression of interest in for the next opening: - Click Here

4. Get 1:1 private coaching and support
If you'd like one-on-one coaching and support from a real world successful property investor, and want to have that person look over your shoulder and work directly with you to take your wealth and achievement to the next level... just reply to this email or send one directly to brad@bradcassidy.com.au with the word "Private"... tell me a little about your situation and what you'd like to work on, and we'll get you all the details to meet and speak with your potential coach!


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